Juliette Adams (1858-1951), known as Mrs. Crosby Adams, was an American pianist and piano teacher. From the age of 7, she studied piano with local teachers and later trained under notable instructors such as Cecelia Cary, Claude Crittenden, and Henri Abby. She taught piano at Ingham University in LeRoy, New York, from 1879 to 1883, and maintained private studios in Buffalo, Kansas City, and Chicago. Juliette and her husband, Crosby Adams, were influential music educators at the Montreat Normal School, organizing Summer Festivals. Despite their age, both continued teaching until the age of 92.

The 11 solos and studies in this collection form a “best of” collection of her available works. They are very useful for helping students to develop a singing tone, and to aid in finger dexterity.

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This book is available exclusively for Supersonics Pro members