Daniel McFarlane presents the Junior series, a delightful adaptation of the popular Supersonics Piano Method Level 1 book, divided into three vibrant and captivating books tailored for younger students. Whether starting their musical journey or transitioning from the Primer levels, this series offers an ideal path.
Level 1A comprises the first two modules of Level 1. Students engage in rote pieces to explore the instrument, learn technical gestures, and enhance musical memory. Additionally, they encounter simple reading pieces, Rhythm Challenges, and creative exercises. Notably, students begin playing with both hands from the very first piece.
Level 1B encompasses the next three modules of Level 1. Following the same format as 1A, this level introduces flats, staccato, dynamics, and transposition.
Level 1C concludes the series by covering the remaining modules of Level 1. Here, students are introduced to eighth notes/quavers, dotted rhythms, and pop chords.
Immerse your students in a world of colorful and engaging theory with the Level 1 worksheets book. These engaging sheets serve as a valuable tool to introduce and reinforce the new concepts explored in the Junior lesson books. Covering all three books, this comprehensive resource ensures a solid understanding of the material.
Take a peek inside Junior 1A:
- Immediate engagement with playing both hands from the very first piece
- Rhythm Challenges to foster strong rhythmic development
- Rote pieces for exploring the piano and improving memory
- Engaging creative tasks to encourage musical creativity and growth
(turn your phone sideways to view the samples)
Discover the contents of Junior 1B:
- Introduction of dynamics and flats
- Rhythm Challenges to strengthen rhythmic development
- Rote pieces for exploring the piano and enhancing memory
- Transposition exercises for expanding musical understanding
- Engaging creative tasks to foster musical creativity and growth
(turn your phone sideways to view the samples)
Explore the contents of Junior 1C:
- Introduction of eighth notes/quavers, dotted rhythms, pop chords, and comprehensive technical development
- Rhythm Challenges to reinforce rhythmic development
- Rote pieces for continued exploration of the piano and memory enhancement
- Transposition exercises for expanding musical capabilities
- Engaging creative tasks to nurture musical creativity and growth
(turn your phone sideways to view the samples)
Embark on a journey of colorful discovery with the Junior Worksheets book. This comprehensive resource accompanies every piece in 1A, 1B, and 1C, offering full-color worksheets. Delve into a world of fun and engaging activities that bring theoretical concepts to life. Master all the necessary Level 1 theory in an enjoyable and immersive manner.
(turn your phone sideways to view the samples)
- Supersonics Pro members can print these books immediately or purchase our printed copies in the member bookstore
- This product is available exclusively for Supersonics Pro members