Exclusive to Supersonics Pro members, these books offer an array of Halloween music options to print instantly or purchase as professionally printed hardcopies. Discover a wide range of pieces suitable for all levels and musical preferences.

Not a Pro member? No worries! Each book provides full samples, allowing you to preview the content and listen to the music before making a decision. If you’re not ready to join Pro membership, you can still purchase individual pieces for immediate digital delivery. Just click on a book to explore samples and make individual purchases.

Are you already a Pro member? Start your shopping spree now and explore the exciting collection of exclusive books available to you.

Creep out your audience with this collection of Daniel’s spookiest pieces (Early to Mid Elementary). Go exploring…

Creep out your audience with this collection of Daniel’s spookiest pieces (Mid Elementary). Go exploring…

Creep out your audience with this collection of Daniel’s spookiest pieces (Late Elementary to Early Intermediate). Go exploring…

Creep out your audience with this collection of Daniel’s spookiest pieces (Early Intermediate to Early Advanced). Go exploring…

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