Studio Zone

Upload your own content to use with all your students in Supersonics Plus.

Would you like to harness the potential of the Supersonic Plus system to enhance your studio’s resources? With Studio Zone, you can!

✔ Reorganise our system. At the most basic level, just create your own collections and fill them with Supersonics pieces. You don’t have to upload anything, just reorganise our existing content to suit your studio.  

✔ Add your own content. Create your own collections and fill them with your own content. You can upload PDFs, videos and audio files and create links to external content (e.g. useful YouTube videos or helpful online resources that are relevant to your needs). What you can create is only limited by your imagination. Create a collection of performance videos, upload all your studio-licensed scores, upload backing tracks, the sky is the limit!  

✔ Enhance Supersonics pieces with your own resources. If you have specific resources for any of our pieces, upload them and they will neatly sit in that piece’s content list. For example, if you’ve got a useful worksheet for a particular Supersonics piece, upload it to the system and it will sit there waiting to be used by all your students.

✔ Use our powerful online tools with your content. Any content you upload gains access to our suite of online tools. You can annotate and share PDFs with your entire studio, control the playback speed of videos and audio files, and manage content access via bookmarks.

✔ Security and privacy. Your uploaded content remains accessible only to you and your students, ensuring a high level of privacy. This not only bolsters overall privacy but also allows you to limit access exclusively to your current students, enhancing student retention. Your data is securely stored behind our firewalls and subjected to continuous backups.   

During our beta release, you will enjoy 3 months free access to the system to see if it fits your needs (and to give us a chance to iron out any wrinkles that may appear). After your 3 month free trial, you can continue to enjoy the Studio Zone for a low monthly fee.


Coming soon! We are finishing off some testing and this product will be available in June 2024 🙂

By upgrading you acknowledge and agree to these two rules:

  1. You will only upload materials that you have legal use of (i.e. either content you have created, or free or “studio-licensed” materials – you may be asked to provide proof of ownership/purchase for any material that you upload).
  2. You will not upload any objectionable content. All content you upload must be musical in nature, and suitable for all ages. Any “adult” content is totally forbidden.

Your access may be temporarily or permanently terminated if you are found to have violated either of these two rules. For minor, or inadvertent infractions, we will simply remove the infringing content and notify you. For major violations, we will instantly terminate your access and remove all of your content with no prior notification.   

While we are in beta release, we don’t have any set guidelines and rules for file size and storage capacity. We are hoping that, as most files that we anticipate users uploading will not be particularly large, we can avoid implementing any limits. We do reserve the right to limit upload file size and overall storage space in the future though.

Also note that you will only enjoy upgraded access to the Studio Zone for as long as you are a Supersonics Pro member. If you end your Supersonics Pro membership, your access to the Studio Zone will also end.